Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Testing the Bb Managed Hosting Server

The test server for the new Blackboard server is now available for testing.  Time permitting, follow the directions below to visit the new server and give it a spin.

Testing Information:  Site is located at:  Courses and content should be available review and testing. Courses & Content will be updated through 05/09/2013. Please check your content from both instructor and student view. Also do any testing you’d like on the site…create content, folders, use building blocks, copy course, export course, ETC to ensure all functionality is working. If you prefer to use a checklist please see the attached spreadsheet. Report any issues you find to or use the discussion board in the Bb organization: KCTCS Bb Testers (Summer 2013) on  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bb Managed Hosting

The move to Blackboard Managed Hosting is scheduled for Monday, July 29, 12:01 a.m. ET through Thursday, August 1 8 a.m. ET.  Blackboard will be unavailable to students and faculty during this time.

Please plan accordingly.  For many instructors (and particularly in online classes)  Blackboard is integral to class instruction.  Instructors should  communicate with their students about how assignments are to be completed during this time.  Options include:

KCTCS Email.  Faculty may locate student email through the Faculty Center in Student Self-Service.  Directions available here.  Assignments may be submitted via email attachment.  Note: KCTCS email is considered a secure form of communication.  It is permissible to discuss student grades and other FERPA sensitive material using KCTCS email.

District Locker.  The District Locker allows faculty to share information over the Web.  Tutorials available here.  Note: information placed on the District Locker is publicly available for all Internet Users.  Do not place FERPA protected material in your district locker.

Social Media.  Facebook and Twitter permit faculty to communicate with students.  As with the District Locker, do not discuss FERPA protected information in social media.

Blogs.  Free blogs Web site such as Blogger, allow instructors to share information as well as receive feedback from students.Again, information should not be FERPA protected.