Dear BCTC Instructors:
As the Fall 2015 semester winds to a close, I have a few updates to pass along about Blackboard and Distance Learning. Even if your classes are taught face-to-face, there is still information here of use. . .
Online Syllabi and Roster Verification. If you are teaching a Spring 2016 online class, be sure to review these Suggestions for Online Syllabi. There are lots of helpful tips here. *New for Spring 2016* Some online instructors have been frustrated when students from other KCTCS colleges are dropped for non-attendance but the home college registrar does not process the drop. Consider adding language to your syllabus to address this. For example: "Students must submit Week One assignments by the stated deadline in order to remain in this course. Students who do not meet the first deadline must withdraw--or take an E."
Opening Bb Courseshells. All BCTC classes are provided with a Blackboard courseshell; this shell is a great communication tool for you. Use it to provide students with information about textbooks, course supplies as well as your syllabus. Note: by default the courseshell is closed, use these directions to open your courseshell. And you can open that shell at any time in order to get information out to your students.
Technology Support Center. Connie Rine (5-4608) runs the Technology Support Center out of Leestown A-101. Check in with Connie for help using Blackboard, MS Lync, MS Office products and more.
eMentors. Another great resources for Blackboard and eLearning support are the college eMentors. Our distribution list is a quick way to get an answer to a Bb question. Contact us at:
Training Opportunities. Additional training for Blackboard and other educational software such as Starfish, MS OneDrive, and more will be provided at the Changing Classroom Cultures Conference (February 19-20, 2016). Also look for PD events scheduled during upcoming Division Fridays.
BCTC Testing Center. The BCTC Testing Center will reopen January 4 with greatly improved hours and scheduling. Expect major updates in the new year as we move to an hours of operation schedule which will allow students to register for exams Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM; Wednesday, 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM; and Friday, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM. New Testing Center information will go live on our Web site next week. Path: Academics >> Assessment & Testing.
Online Readiness. When advising students about online learning, be sure to encourage them to complete the digital literacy requirement and/or FYE 105 before taking online classes or as their first online class. Additional resources are available online: o Academics >> Distance Learning >> General Information page.
BCTC First. Also when advising students, encourage them to enroll in Bluegrass online classes. Doing so puts them in touch with program faculty who serve as academic advisors. To help with this process, here is a list of open, BCTC Spring 2016 online classes. That list is also available from the Distance Learning Web page: Academics >> Distance Learning >> Schedule of Classes.
Additional Information. This email is archived in the BCTC Distance Learning blog along with other distance learning updates and announcements. Additional information about Distance Learning is available on the Colle Web site: Academics >> Distance Learning.
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