Monday, November 22, 2010

Online Science Labs

There certainly is a need for online science labs--and many AA/AS students run into difficulty finishing up their degrees. At the same time, there are good, academic reasons to be wary about putting a lab experience online. Listed below is info about software others in the system are using. Your thoughts about this?

From Sandy Cook--

Late Nite Labs is excited to partner with KCTCS in bringing cutting edge online course offerings. As we mentioned, we are pleased to offer a group discount rate for all 16 colleges in KCTCS. The following is a breakdown of our price points and discounts we can give you based upon student enrollment per semester across our chemistry and biology platforms.

For 250 students we can offer you a discount price $36.95 (a 7% savings)
For 500 students we can offer you a discount price $34.95 (a 12% savings)
For 1000 students we can offer you a discount price $31.95 (a 20% savings)

For more info please visit
To login and try out some of our labs please follow the instructions below.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Angie Fultz, the chair of natural sciences at MCTC, says, "I am not a fan of LateNight labs. Much more of an exercise of computer skills than chemistry." Let us be cautious. . .
