Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Course Copy Troubleshooting

 From Bb Help Desk:

It has come to our attention that when you are copying courses for the new semester and you have assignments/quizzes/tests that are no longer available due to dates that have passed; these items are not fully or properly copied and will give a red bar stating the item isn't available in the new course.

To prevent this, use the export/import method instead of the copy method. (Remember this is only if you have items that are no longer available due to dates that have passed.)


Go into the course with the content.
In the Control Panel, go to Packages and Utilities and click Export/Archive Course.
Click the Export button.
Select all check boxes and submit.
You will receive an email when the export has completed.


You will now need to download the export.
Go back into the course where you performed the Export.
Go back into the Export area.
Click the Export file and save (download) to your computer.


Go into the new course shell.
In the Control Panel, go to Packages and Utilities and click Import Package/View Logs.
Click the Import Package button.
Click Browse to locate the Export you saved from the previous course.
Select all the check boxes and submit the page.
You will receive an email when the import has completed.
If you don't see the new content, click the refresh button on top of the course menu.

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